Monday, February 11, 2008

The Dreaded Two Week Wait

I have entered in the dreaded two week wait. But I have a new out look on all of this ttc stuff. I am trying not to stress out about it. I figure that this is something that we can't really control. No matter what you do you can't make it happen on your own. Its all on God's time anyway. He knows if DH and I are really ready for this or not. He already knows when it will happen I just need to be patient. So here I am blogging...and trying to be patient. I may not be all the time. Especially when AF is due and all of that. But I figure that there really is no point on freakin out about it and I that I just need to live my life.
In other news, DH and I exchanged presents for Valentine's day already. We both suck with secrets and stuff. He got me some really amazing things last night. I really love the guy he didn't have to get me those things but he wanted to. He was pretty excited about what he received as well. Its not about the presents though. Its about letting that person know you love them. I love that man more every day.

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