Monday, March 17, 2008

T minus 5...

So recently I've been having "symptoms". They've been more noticeable than before...and really more annoying. I've been having cramps since about 7DPO and now I am on 10DPO and I still feel the same. Low abdominal cramping, very tired, acne break outs, queasiness (on and off through out the day, breast tenderness/sensitivity, occasional dizziness and lower back pain. I know that its still kinda early and it could just be af but something seems different.

I talked to DH about it but I didn't want to get his hopes up. He said that its OK to be hopeful but not to be discouraged or disappointed if af shows up. So that's my new "philosophy". I am hopeful and not discouraged. So I get to test on Saturday. AF is due Friday. If there is no af by noon (she normally shows up early after I wake up but is definitely there by noon) on Friday I am going to purchase some hpt's.

Its sort of exciting to possibly be pregnant. If not then we just try again. I am now feeling much better about the whole situation. Even if we don't get pregnant ever I am ok with that. I know its all on God's time now.

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